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Friday, June 27, 2014

Getting Started with OpenGL ES for Android

Earlier we were focusing on small application based on OpenGL, Now we will go for the OpenGL ES. It is industry used graphics library. Today we would Getting Started with OpenGL ES for Android. As we all know Android is getting more and more importance day by day, as we see new Android L from Google I/O. Graphics is very much important for Android as we have so many apps running with much of graphic in it. Let get started with OpenGL ES graphics library learn how to use it in Android.


Before we go with the setup of OpenGL ES for Android we must have an integrated development environment (IDE) installed on your computer. Choose from the two mentioned.
  • Android Studio -  Google now had made Android Studio as the official IDE for Android application development, which is based on Jetbrains's IntelliJ IDEA.
  • The Eclipse IDE
    1. Android SDK - Download it from for your Machine (depend on your OS), it comes in two version - with Android Studio and as Standalone tool, get the later one .
    2. Eclipse -  If you are not getting Android Studio or want to work with Eclipse Download it from here
    3. ADT Plugin for Eclipse - The ADT plugin for eclipse helps development of Android apps faster.
We are hoping that reader must have knowledge in Java and has used the Airndroid for programming. Keeping this on ground we are proceeding.

Setting up OpenGL ES For Android

First create a new project and name it "OPENGLES4ME" and set the minimum required SDK to API level 10(don't go further down).

You can also make sure no one install the application from Google Play on a device not supporting OpenGL ES 2.0 by adding a uses-feature in the AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"  android:required="true" />

Updating Soon

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