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Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to Draw Circle in OpenGL

In the OpenGL Computer graphics there major problem in drawing circle. In this post we are going to study How to Draw Circle in OpenGL. There is no primitive functions like of lines, points, triangles and other polygons for circle, hence drawing a circle need some new method/function from our side. we are going to learn that today.

There are many methods of Drawing circle in OpenGL, we going to discuss one by one each of them. 

First Method - using the indefinite points 

This method used the no of of point to draw a circle. The problem with this method is you need more precession as we use the sine and cosine function with the value of pie as 3.14159, So little error may in the round circle. Put the following code in a simple display function and run the program for your circle. See the Image it's output - 

 for(int i=0;i<1000;++i)

draw circle opengl - using points

Second Method - using the lines 

As Like above program circles can be created using the small sets of lines.We used the bunch of lines, which are closed together to go round forming a circle. For drawing circle in opengl, this method also used the simple sine and cosine maths functions, but we have not used pie instead go for degree for angles.

typedef struct
float x;
float y;

CIRCLE circle;

void createcircle (int k, int r, int h) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
    circle.x = r * cos(i) - h;
    circle.y = r * sin(i) + k;
    glVertex3f(circle.x + k,circle.y - h,0);
    circle.x = r * cos(i + 0.1) - h;
    circle.y = r * sin(i + 0.1) + k;
    glVertex3f(circle.x + k,circle.y - h,0);

If you know about the structures in C then fine you understand the typedef else we have more object oriented approach making use of classes for C++. Same program above in classes.

class circle{
public : float x,y,rot;

void createcircle (int k, int r, int h);

void circle::createcircle (int k, int r, int h) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
    x = r * cos(i) - h;
    y = r * sin(i) + k;
    glVertex3f(x + k,y - h,0);
    x = r * cos(i + 0.1) - h;
    y = r * sin(i + 0.1) + k;
    glVertex3f(x + k,y - h,0);


  1. ya sir i got it il just go through it if any modifications il let you know bt i have a another project same like a story as u heard of ant and bird an ant wil be stuckd in river it seeks help and bird helps it by dropping a leaf so in turn of exchange can i have any algorithm project using opengl

  2. im not getting any algorithm sir

  3. sir you said you wil try to make changes if i ger thus project so in turn of buying i exchanged it so ca n you stil do any modifications

  4. of real appearance of animals

  5. ok sir if you modify any real appearance of animals let me know and may i know that hanoi of tower program is been executed successfully

  6. Tower of Hanoi Project is working fine here in mysystem so do it will in your's

  7. rajeev sir i need source codw of algorithm if u have any algorithm suggest me

  8. rajeev sir i need a source code of any algorithm except lru sstf

  9. Gudnght our lecturer said he wil give a topic algorithm tomorrow to do a mini project using opengl c++ so i will let you know the topic tomorrow

  10. hi rajeev sir do have any project based on freedom fighters like image of chitradurga fort and onaki obavva hits soldiers who come way hidden in forts of rocks and can say which project you have based on algorithm of os and any other as i am not gettng any idea about that rply me as soon you can get the message

  11. In visual c++ it is not giving output. its showing as 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date,
    how to get a output?

  12. sir the speed of transfer of rings from 1 to 3 is very to reduce the transfer speed

  13. sir rajeev sir kindly help me in mini project on algorithm

  14. can i have any 3d project

  15. k fine i have shooting of objects in exchange can i have any 3d mini project using opengl

  16. there are many algorithm projects in here

    why you not trying them or just mention one

  17. can i have any 3d a wonderfull project

  18. i need one amazing worthy 3d mini project based on some tag line

  19. do you have any idea as i have not much time

  20. hi rajeev sir actually i don hav any idea on 3d some of my friend doing 3d home with furnitured so if you have any3d projects let me knw

  21. hi rajeev sir am trying out from long days and texting you that can i have one wonderful and interesting cg project using c++ opengl if its cost also i have a some other projects can exchange it as i did it with hare and tortoise project with lru page replacement algorithm sourcecode

  22. if it is 3d also no problem

  23. rajeev sir rply to my message let me know

  24. i am a bit busy with my work so not able to concentrate on the things........

  25. k sir fine but if you're free send me one interesting project if it cost i have source code of some wil exchange

  26. the movement of the rings is too fast how to slow it

  27. Sir plz send me code link...available link is not working


  29. Code link not working.Plz help

  30. sir is this hanoi project of using opengl functions

  31. I have sent to you the mail with source cod links

  32. check your mail from it has link for the hare tortoise projects

  33. Get free project in exchange of any one that not published here

  34. sir i asked you for a algorithm sourcecode

  35. Pls can I get source code for tower of Hanoi pls pls

  36. source code for hare and the tortoise story
