OpenGL c++ projects with source code |
Your search for C/C++ projects ends here! This post will give your the C/C++ mini projects which used the core library of OpenGL graphics. You can have this C/C++ Projects Download free from the download link given at the end of the post.
Everybody know the importance of C/C++ in the computer science filed. Almost every engineer study the language, but only few master it. For Computer science students learning the C/C++ language is much important, this shape their Carrier. They must master it and able to write programs which includes C/C++ features like functions, arrays and pointers, file handling and data structure, etc.
After mastering the basics of C/C++, you must be able to implement it in some kind of C/C++ projects or mini projects. But, the C/C++ projects or mini projects that features the above mentioned concepts is a difficult task. To solve these difficulty we provides C++ Projects Download. These projects can be use for college work or for final year projects or even as a reference for you research or learning process.
OpenGL is a open source graphics library which allow us to render real world objects in to computer graphics with C/C++ (can be use with other languages as well). Here our project will focus more on graphics than normal C/C++ programs. In this post we are going to talk about the Wind Mill C++ Projects with free source code download.
Objective of Wind Mill C++ Projects
Every Project aim toward something, they have come core idea which need to be implemented. This Wind Mill C++ Projects is aimed to show generation of electricity via wind (renewable energy source). Basically it used the concept of wind energy in computer graphics with C++.
As you can see in the image, there is wind farm with a power house and few wind turbines. Cloud Can be seen in the sky as well. As the wind flow the speed of cloud increase (this used to show wind is flowing, air is invisible to us). Wind can flow in either direction, so the turbines blade will also move in the same direction as of the wind.
User Interaction Wind Mill C++ Projects
This C++ Projects used the mouse interaction to communicate between the computer and the user. Right click the mouse button to see the options. Detail is shown in the table below.
Menu | Uses |
No Wind | There is no wind Flowing |
Wind CW | Window Flowing in the Clockwise direction |
Wind ACW | Window Flowing in the Anti-Clockwise direction |
Fast Wind CW | Window Flowing Faster in the Clockwise direction |
Fast Wind ACW | Window Flowing in the Anti-Clockwise direction |
Quit | Leave the Program |
Now turn to have source code - C++ Projects Download free source code
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