OpenGL Projects is all about the cg graphics programming particularly for VTU CSE students. OpenGL Projects also cover the topics over opengl tutorials, graphics tutorials and android programming
There are many car related and racing related Computer Graphics Mini Project Projects.
Some are simple, some little complex but all are good for student to choose for their Mini Project.
All our computer graphics projects are in 2d. In this post we are going to give your a new
3D Car Animation project.
This projects blog post are written in such a
way that you can use it for you report. We have tried our best in writing the post that well help students in
creating report of Computer Graphics Mini Project Projects themselves without any hassle.
Main aim of this Mini Project is to illustrate 3D Car Animation using OpenGL Computer graphics. The concepts of OpenGL glut library and C++ has been used to create 3D Car Animation. We demonstrates all the animation of 3D car including standalone car, driving in day/night, wheel effect, fog effect, animate in different directions, change of colors.
There is user interaction in this CG program. We have used input devices like mouse and key board to interact with program.
This program is implemented using various OpenGL functions and user defined functions which are given upcoming paragraphs.
To code this basic OpenGL Computer Graphics Mini Project Projects we need to understand the concept of car design and it's movement. First we need to code a car. There are different module for car coding - front module, body, window, wheel and silencer. We are not going to full code a glimpse of it below -
This Computer Graphics Mini Project Projects not just show the animation of car the aim of project but also have title. In beginning to project there is title screen which allow to show case the name of projects, student name, guide name, college name and instructions for the program.
Various OpenGL functions used in this program.
glutInit() : interaction between the windowing system and OPENGL is initiated
glutInitDisplayMode() : used when double buffering is required and depth information is required
glutCreateWindow() : this opens the OPENGL window and displays the title at top of the window
glutInitWindowSize() : specifies the size of the window
glutInitWindowPosition() : specifies the position of the window in screen co-ordinates
glutKeyboardFunc() : handles normal ascii symbols
glutSpecialFunc() : handles special keyboard keys
glutReshapeFunc() : sets up the callback function for reshaping the window
glutIdleFunc() : this handles the processing of the background
glutDisplayFunc() : this handles redrawing of the window
glutMainLoop() : this starts the main loop, it never returns
glViewport() : used to set up the viewport
glVertex3fv() : used to set up the points or vertices in three dimensions
glColor3fv() : used to render color to faces
glFlush() : used to flush the pipeline
glutPostRedisplay() : used to trigger an automatic redrawer of the object
glMatrixMode() : used to set up the required mode of the matrix
glLoadIdentity() : used to load or initialize to the identity matrix
glTranslatef() : used to translate or move the rotation center from one point to another in three dimensions
glRotatef() : used to rotate an object through a specified rotation angle
In this graphics program we have user interaction with mouse and keyboard.
Mouse Interaction
-> Press Right mouse button for menu and select submenu there.
car model mode
car driving mode
fog effect
wheel effect
toggle light
car colors
Day mode
Night mode
Keyboard Interaction
esc - Exit from the program
spacebar - Enter the main screen from start screen.
x- Rotate the car in 'x' direction
y- Rotate the car in 'y' direction
z- Rotate the car in 'z' direction
a- Increase the size of car in'x' direction
s- Increase the size of car in 'y' direction
q- Increase the size of car in 'z' direction
u- Camera top view
f- Camera side view
left arrow key - Move car in forward direction
right arrow key- Move car in backward direction
Future Enhancement
You can implement many enhancement in future like adding sound to it etc. Below are some future addition that can be added to projects for improvement.
Addition of sound
More cars can be added into it.
Surroundings can be created in much better way by adding tree etc.
Multiple roads can be added with street light
Traffic signal can be added
Advance camera view
More colors can be added
Video Demo
Source Code Download
Download source code of this Computer Graphics Mini Project from the link given below. Feel free to ask anything about this projects to us via comments or email to us.
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